Monday, January 26, 2009

Quick update and phone number

It’s been awhile since I have had access to the Internet. I am sure some of you have been curious what is going on, or maybe even worried. All is well. I am healthy and content but in withdrawal from easy access to Internet!! I have only had brief moments the last two times but today will attempt to catch you up in short blogs. I do now have a mobile phone. For savvy users, you can sms me from your cell phones. There is a time difference of 8 hours if I have figured it out properly and the number will only work when I am in Burundi, where I shall be until February 28 but will be traveling at times to DRC and Rwanda. There are lots of power outages here, especially at night and water does not flow freely—particularly hot in Bujumbura, but nonetheless, I am grateful for staying here with Bridget, Zachee and Tim. Besides it is too hot for hot showers most mornings! Do keep in mind things are different here and so what we do in Canada is not so easily done here. I will try to stay in contact at least once a week if possible. Things will change when I am in Nairobi. I would love to download some photos but don’t know if it is possible. I will try later today.

ciao for now,



Suzanne said...

To leave a comment, click on comments and then type your comments. I am not sure if you have to enter a google account but I don't think so, just come up with a password for your email address and then type in the word that is the spam blocker. You can also send email to the gmail address if you are shy about posting on the blog. Thanks for all the support! Means a lot even if I cannot respond to each of you.


Ramona said...

Glad to hear from you. We were getting worried and you know M. I phoned to let her know that you were alive and learning to like onions so she can puts lots in her salads in the future.

Love and safety to you,

R, J, M & D

Suzanne said...

I just wrote a great blog for ya but then lost it all. ACK!! Oh well, I will try another time to catch you up. Ramona--don't be spreading any rumours to Mom!!! Downloading photos is not possible with the slow connection. Sorry!!


Ramona said...

Editing my comments to M to the bare info that you are alive and well. Nothing else she needs to hear.


Lauralee said...

Oh life is seeming to look quite boring to what you're experience. I'm so thankful for technology so that I can keep in touch.

Theresa S. was attempting to send you a Christmas card but only had your former address. Unfortunately, I have lost your most current one here in the Peg. Just so you know, she too is thinking of you.

Take good care. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.

Lauralee said...

Oops...typo...former post should read " what you're experiencing". My apologies.